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Technology and Literacy

The significance of the intersection of technology and literacy is blooming with each school year. When technology and the content standards of a given lesson or topic are intersected, students are able to take control of their own learning and at a pace that is suitable to their needs. Students are also able to engage on a deeper level with their learning as technology is seen in nearly all aspects of 21st century living and learning. Students tend to be interested in technology and need to be able to keep up with the ever-changing cycles of our digital world.


There are many benefits that await our students that struggle in the area of literacy, and technology is there to be adaptive and motivating for students at all levels within their literacy development.  If nothing else, technology allows our students more choices in their learning, which means students taking control over their learning. From here, students can work with whichever learning platform they choose and interact meaningfully and with more confidence.    

Technology can become the

"wings" that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before--if we will allow it.


-Jenny Arledge 

Helpful Links 

Below, I have included the links to a few standards focused on literacy. The first two sets of standards focus on literacy and technology in the classroom. The last link refers to the Common Core State Standards that we implement daily into English Language Arts & Literacy as well as  in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.

Take a moment to look at this Prezi Presentation that I put together. It explores four different useful and educational apps/technology programs to use in the classroom!



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